
Scriptcase find last inserted id
Scriptcase find last inserted id

What is the syntax to use for the login value? That is, what do I put as stand in for XXX below to attribute the record key to the person logged in?What is XXX supposed to be if the global variable is usr_login implode(’, ', array_values($insert_fields)).

scriptcase find last inserted id

implode(’, ‘, array_keys($insert_fields)). $insert_fields = array( // Field list for my-groups (use global variable for logged in person for ‘login’ and use if go newly added group for ‘group’ reference on my_groups) $insert_table = ‘ my_groups’ // Table name – create new record in mygroups so that login person will have the newly added group listed in my_goups The global variable for login is usr_login (I think, but I do not know where to go to validate that assumption based on starting with building a control/login app)


I do not know how to reference the login (which is the id of the person logged in and to whom I want to add a record in my_groups. I get some code like the following …… I see how to plug in the table name. I go to onAfterInsert event and select ‘insert record in another table’, but there are many blanks with no text on how to get at the data I want. I built a form application for adding a single new group record, and I am trying to add code to the onAfterInsert event to then add a new record to my_groups.

scriptcase find last inserted id

I want to create a new record in my_groups ( based on who is logged in) when a new group record is added. group has fields name, description and an id (where the id is the key that is generated by auto increment in the DB). My scenario … upon successful creation of a record in a table called group, I want to add a new record to my_groups to add the newly created group to my list of groups. Can someone help me figure out how to insert a record in another table?

Scriptcase find last inserted id